Drought once shut down Old Faithful—and might again


Source: By Colin Barras, Science Magazine. 

Excerpt: Old Faithful, it turns out, wasn’t always so faithful. The geyser, in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, is famous because it blasts hot water tens of meters into the air at regular intervals—every 90 to 94 minutes, on average. Now, geologists examining petrified wood from the park have found evidence that 800 years ago, Old Faithful stopped erupting entirely for several decades, in response to a severe drought. With climate change making drought more common across the western United States, the researchers say a similar shut down might happen again....  See also Megadrought Caused Yellowstone’s Old Faithful to Run Dry https://eos.org/research-spotlights/megadrought-caused-yellowstones-old-faithful-to-run-dry

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