A Toolkit to Help Communities Respond to a Changing Climate
Source: President's Council on Environmental Quality
For Investigation: 10.3
Excerpt: ...Today, the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience – a group of leaders from across the country who are working to boost resilience efforts in their communities – released recommendations on ways in which the federal government can support actions to address the impacts of climate change. ...the Administration has developed the Climate Resilience Toolkit, a website that provides centralized, authoritative, easy-to-use information, tools, and best practices to help communities prepare for and boost their resilience to the impacts of climate change. You can access the toolkit here: toolkit.climate.gov ...The...Toolkit...includes: The Climate Explorer: A visualization tool... Steps to Resilience: A five-step process that users can follow to initiate, plan, and implement projects ...“Taking Action” Stories: More than 20 real-world case studies describing climate-related risks and opportunities that communities and businesses face, steps they’re taking to plan and respond, ...Federal Resource Database: The Toolkit provides centralized access to federal sites for future climate projections, as well as freely available tools for accessing and analyzing climate data, generating visualizations, exploring climate projections, estimating hazards, and engaging stakeholders in resilience-building efforts....
Source: President's Council on Environmental Quality
For Investigation: 10.3
Excerpt: ...Today, the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience – a group of leaders from across the country who are working to boost resilience efforts in their communities – released recommendations on ways in which the federal government can support actions to address the impacts of climate change. ...the Administration has developed the Climate Resilience Toolkit, a website that provides centralized, authoritative, easy-to-use information, tools, and best practices to help communities prepare for and boost their resilience to the impacts of climate change. You can access the toolkit here: toolkit.climate.gov ...The...Toolkit...includes: The Climate Explorer: A visualization tool... Steps to Resilience: A five-step process that users can follow to initiate, plan, and implement projects ...“Taking Action” Stories: More than 20 real-world case studies describing climate-related risks and opportunities that communities and businesses face, steps they’re taking to plan and respond, ...Federal Resource Database: The Toolkit provides centralized access to federal sites for future climate projections, as well as freely available tools for accessing and analyzing climate data, generating visualizations, exploring climate projections, estimating hazards, and engaging stakeholders in resilience-building efforts....