For Wales, Nuclear Plant Would Mean New Jobs. For the U.K., It May Mean More

Source:  By Stanley Reed, The New York Times.

Excerpt: CEMAES, Wales ...a huge construction project is underway. ...Archaeologists are sifting through dirt to document stony dwellings dating from 100 B.C. A technical school is welcoming apprentices eager to learn how to maneuver in high-tech control rooms and operate water-cooling systems. The activity is all tied to a plan by Horizon Nuclear Power to turn this rugged outpost into the home of a plant that could be critical not just to the company, but to the Welsh economy and Britain’s energy future. Horizon, a subsidiary of the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi, is in private talks with the British government over how and when it might build a nuclear plant here at the northern tip of Wales. ...Others in northern Wales herald the economic benefit the potentially enormous investment could have. They see the Horizon plant, which is expected to produce enough electricity for 5.5 million homes, as a vehicle for rebirth. The British government, eager for reliable, low-carbon energy to replace aging coal plants and nuclear reactors, has been encouraging....

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