Heat waves could increase substantially in size by mid-century, says new study.


Source:  By Alison Stevens - NOAA Affiliate.

Excerpt: ...in a new study, scientists funded in part by the NOAA Climate Program Office’s Climate Observations and Monitoring Program ...found that by mid-century, in a middle greenhouse emissions scenario, the average size of heat waves could increase by 50%. Under high greenhouse gas concentrations, the average size could increase by 80% and the more extreme heat waves could more than double in size. “As the physical size of these affected regions increases, more people will be exposed to heat stress,” said Brad Lyon, Associate Research Professor at the University of Maine and lead author of the new paper published in Environmental Research Letters. [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab4b41] “Larger heat waves would also increase electrical loads and peak energy demand on the grid as more people and businesses turn on air conditioning in response.”....

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