How Scientists Can Engage to Solve the Climate Crisis
Source: By Raleigh L. Martin, Eos/AGU.
Source: By Raleigh L. Martin, Eos/AGU.
Excerpt: Policymakers need scientists. Here’s how one geoscientist contributed to a U.S. congressional report that’s already churning out legislation—and real action. ...The gap between scientific consensus and political action on the unfolding climate crisis can be frustrating. For decades, geoscientists have been warning about the dangers of unmitigated climate change. Synthesis documents, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2018 Global Warming of 1.5°C report, express the consensus scientific view that immediate and dramatic reductions in carbon emissions are needed to avert climate catastrophe. But translating this alarm into tangible policy action can feel daunting when some political leaders continue to deny the science of climate change. To counter this pessimism, I offer here a motivating example of science-driven work by the U.S. Congress to solve the climate crisis, and I describe ways in which scientists can be partners in advancing climate action....