The Nuclear Dump That Created a Generation of Indigenous Activists
Excerpt: 1980, when a local pastor saw an article buried in the back of a newspaper, ...the islanders found out what the site actually was: a massive nuclear waste dump. ...Following the revelation that the site was a nuclear waste facility, the Tao fought vigorously to persuade the government to remove it. For years they staged mass protests on the island and in front of government offices in Taipei, Taiwan’s capital. They became self-taught experts in nuclear waste. ...But despite the government’s repeated promises to relocate the site, the dump remains. ...efforts to relocate the waste fell short. In 1993, a group of countries voted to permanently ban the practice of dumping all nuclear waste in the ocean. Other potential options, including a plan to export the waste to North Korea, were scuttled. ...the authorities agreed to pay the Tao $83 million in compensation, with an additional $7 million to be disbursed every three years....