The Greenhouse Gas Burden of Inland Waters
By Aaron Sidder, Eos/AGU. 

Excerpt: In a new pair of studies, a global team of scientists reassessed greenhouse gas emissions stemming from rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs. ...The study authors found that inland waters contribute 5.5 petagrams of COper year, of which one third emanates from South American rivers. Meanwhile, inland waters emit 82–135 teragrams of CHannually, one third of which comes from North American and Russian lakes. N2O emissions were comparatively small at 248–590 gigagrams N2O per year, and a quarter of N2O emissions stem from North American inland waters. ...Inland waters could represent approximately 20% of the total global CH4 emissions, the authors found. In contrast, the contributions of inland waters to the global COand N2O budgets are relatively minor....

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