Biden’s Green Energy Money Is Sugar on a Poison Pill

By Lydia Millet, Opinion Piece in New York Times. 

Excerpt: ...federal funding for clean technologies ...[is] a crucial step but brutally inadequate: If we keep drilling, pumping and using oil and gas, green-energy money will remain a sprinkling of sugar on a poison pill. ...The more difficult and more essential task is to remove incentives for oil and gas companies to continue their frantic pace of production, transport and profiteering. ...U.S. crude oil exports have gone up almost 850 percent since an important export ban was lifted in 2015, and in 2023 domestic oil production will hit an all-time high. Cleaning up our domestic portfolio won’t mean much if we keep shipping out dirty fuels to be combusted abroad. ...Fossils are currently subsidizing conflicts from Russia’s war against Ukraine to militias in Myanmar. ...while the Paris Agreement doesn’t even make mention of fossil fuels, U.N. Secretary General António Guterres is now targeting them directly by welcoming only nations that will commit to no new fossil fuel development and to concrete transition and phaseout plans to speak at the climate summit. ...Congress is deeply entangled with the fossil fuel industry, and in the short term will stay that way. ...stop saying yes to all new oil and gas projects — including the planned Sea Port Oil Terminal off the Texas coast, intended to increase our exports — and more exploration and drilling sites in the Gulf of Mexico. ...stop the billions of dollars in fossil fuel financing invested abroad, which locks in decades’ worth of extraction....

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